
It was a beginning. The small start of something new. One that I took with trepidation. Tentative, though with good intention. My head was in a quandary, my heart skipping a beat as I inched forward. Is this going to be a total embarrassment, a disaster, a mockery of what I envisioned it to be? Was I making a huge mistake, one I knew I would never be able to admit to?
Such was the day I adventured forth with the conflicting feelings of eager anticipation and absolute dread.
We’ve all been at some time in a situation like this. Whether as a child or an adult (and probably both), this dichotomy of feelings is common to us all.
Beginning is difficult if we are uncertain. We risk “losing face”, hoping against hope that no one will judge us for our desperate action. Or we keep our head down, telling no one, admitting nothing.
That is how many of us enter the therapist’s office. Others wear going to therapy as a badge of honor. Either way, or somewhere in between, the important thing to remember is you are walking into that office. You recognize that there is something in your life that is distressing enough that you are asking for help.
Bravo! That’s the crucial step. You are embarking on beginning and that is often the hardest part.
Oh, and by the way, ask your therapist if he or she has ever been the client in a therapist’s office. (Yes, I have.) It’s important to know if the therapist has sought out help too when needed.
All the best on your journey.