Posted by Ginny Kreeft

6 Challenging Life Changes You May Be Facing at Mid-Life

6 challenging life changes you may be facing at mid-life


While some life changes shake you to the core, others impact you in a different yet equally profound way.As you may very well know, these significant changes typically happen at mid-life.Embarking on a mid-life challenge, you may feel as if you’re the only one who has ever faced this in life. Yet, these challenges happened to most of us.

Although every person has a unique response to big life changes, it’s helpful to know that this path has been walked before. And is most definitely survivable.

Here are six challenging life changes you may be facing at mid-life. Along with a few tips to get through them in one piece, of course.


As well as mid-life bringing more straggling gray hair (those really thick ones), it’s also a time for changes to occur in relationships. This could mean divorce, marriage or re-marriage, and blending families, to name the most significant few.

The term “bridezilla” didn’t just make itself up. It exists because planning a wedding is stressful. Undoubtedly, a goofy name likely also exists for stressed divorcees and step-parents.

Now more than ever, effective communication will be essential.


Mid-life is also a time when your family structure may change. Your children may be leaving the house to attend college or start a career. This is also the season when grown children tend to move away from their hometown or even their home state.

For you, the empty nest may be a reality. While it may make you feel down, it’s also a grand time to rediscover yourself. There are a lot of great things to do when you don’t have to take care of children anymore!

However, grieving your familiar family structure is natural. Move through those feelings, rather than putting on a brave face.

3. PONDERING CHANGES FROM “WHAT” TO “WHO”pondering changes from "what" to "who"

Known as the “mid-life crisis,” you may begin to wonder what the meaning of your life is. To step it a step further, you may be pondering who you are as a person, rather than simply identifying as what you are at a job, for example.

Instead of divulging in a material “facelift,” you may be thinking deep and provoking thoughts. It’s not uncommon to question elements in your life you may never have before.

In your search for your place in this world and validation for any role changes you may have experienced, remember to practice self-acceptance.


For so long, you may have stayed the path in regards to your career. Or perhaps you were never able to have a career because you were raising a family.

Mid-life may present big changes to you—career-wise.

Many people embrace the courage to change jobs or even careers. Some even take the leap into entrepreneurship. Conversely, others lose their longtime jobs because of a downturn in the economy. And still others come to the much longed-after retirement season.

Keep a tight hold on your core values, no matter what your career situation. This will help ground you.


Earlier, I comically mentioned graying hairs. Yet, health concerns are often much more than simply cosmetic preferences. From newly developed aches and pains to a terminal illness, mid-life is often where you start to pay more attention to your own health. Mostly, because you have to.

Furthermore, this is often the stage in life when your loved ones face serious health issues as well. From aging parents to aging siblings or friends, your concerns might pull you in all directions.

To safeguard your mental health, be sure to amp up your own self-care routine. Although human bodies wear out, don’t throw in the towel just yet!


Similar to the mid-life search for meaning, a spiritual change may take place as well. For many, this means doubting a childhood religion. More than doubting, this spiritual change often produces a genuine search for truth.

You may find yourself wanting to know your purpose. Or what mark you’ll leave on the world. Many people also embrace the idea of finding true peace through forgiveness and acceptance.

You may want to explore other belief systems or ways of thinking. And this is perfectly okay. Nurture that sense of wanting to be a more in-depth human being.

Remember, simply because you’re on a quest for truth doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been filled with truth thus far.


Because of the challenging changes that tend to take place during mid-life, it certainly can be an unsteady time. For support or help navigating this life stage, please contact me today and learn more about how I can help you.